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Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 103, October 8, 1892   By:

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In this collection of satirical and humorous pieces, Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 103 showcases the wit and cleverness of its contributors. With a blend of political commentary, social criticism, and entertainment, the magazine offers readers a glimpse into the cultural landscape of 19th century England.

The cartoons and illustrations throughout the volume are particularly noteworthy, capturing the absurdities of the time with sharp and incisive humor. From poking fun at politicians and celebrities to mocking societal norms and conventions, the artwork adds an extra layer of depth to the writing.

While some of the references may be lost on modern readers, there is still plenty to enjoy in this collection. The editorial team did a commendable job of selecting a variety of pieces that showcase the range of talent and perspectives within the publication.

Overall, Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 103, October 8, 1892 is a delightful read for anyone interested in the history of satire and humor. Its timeless wit and charm make it a valuable addition to any library.

First Page:



VOL. 103.

October 10, 1892.


SCENE A Public Hall in a provincial town. The Hypnotist a tall, graceful, and handsome young man, in well fitting evening clothes has already succeeded in putting most of his subjects to sleep, and is going round and inspecting them critically, as they droop limply on a semicircle of chairs, in a variety of unpicturesque attitudes. The only Lady on the platform is evidently as yet in full possession of her senses.

First Female Spectator ( to Second ). MARIA MANGLES do take a time sending off, don't she?

Second F.S. ( also a friend of Miss MANGLES ). Yes, that she do it gives her such a silly look, sitting there, the on'y one with her senses about her!

First F.S. It's all affectation she could shut her eyes fast enough if she liked !

Second F.S. The 'Ipnotiser's coming round to her now she'll have to go off now. ( With a not unpleasurable anticipation .) I expect he'll make her do all manner o' ridic'lous things!

First F.S. Well, it will be a lesson, to her against making' herself so conspicuous another time. I shan't pity her.

The Hyp. ( after a brief colloquy with Miss MANGLES ). I see I am not likely to succeed with this Lady; so, with many thanks to her on behalf of myself and the audience for coming forward, I will detain her no longer... Continue reading book >>

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