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Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 153, September 19, 1917   By:

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"Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 153, September 19, 1917" provides a fascinating glimpse into the popular culture and political climate of early 20th-century London. The satirical cartoons and sharp-witted commentary on current events offer valuable insight into the social issues and attitudes of the time. Readers with an interest in history, politics, or humor will enjoy this collection of witty and thought-provoking pieces. However, some may find the language and references outdated, making it a bit challenging to fully appreciate the humor. Overall, Punch remains a timeless treasure trove of wit and satire that continues to entertain and enlighten readers over a century later.

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VOL. 153, SEPT. 19, 1917


VOL. 153.

SEPTEMBER 19, 1917.


There is no truth in the report that one of the most telling lines in the National Anthem is to be revised so as to read "Confound their Scandiknavish tricks."

Grave fears are expressed in certain quarters that the Stockholm Conference has been " spurlos versenkt ."

Someone has stolen the clock from St. Winefride's Church, Wimbledon. We hope that the culprit has responded to the universal appeals in the newspapers which urged him to put the clock back on Sunday last.

An Englishwoman living in the East has a servant girl who, when told about the War, remarked, "What war?" Another snub for the KAISER.

"A Vegetarian" writes to accuse Lord RHONDDA of reducing the price of meat on purpose.

Tube fares are to be raised. An alternative project of issuing special tickets, entitling the holder to standing room, was reluctantly abandoned.

The Thames, says a contemporary, has come into its own again as a holiday resort. Many riparian owners, on the other hand, are complaining that it has come into theirs.

A trades union of undertakers' mutes has been formed. Their first act, it is believed, will be to strike for a fifty year life... Continue reading book >>

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