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Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 159, December 29, 1920   By:

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"Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 159, December 29, 1920" provides a fascinating glimpse into the cultural and social attitudes of early 20th century England. The satirical cartoons and humorous articles offer a window into the political and social issues of the time, shedding light on the concerns and preoccupations of society during this period. The wit and sarcasm of the writers and illustrators make for an entertaining read, while also prompting readers to reflect on the parallels between the past and present. Overall, this volume of Punch is a valuable historical document that offers both entertainment and insight into a bygone era.

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VOL. 159.

DECEMBER 29, 1920


No newspapers were published on Saturday, Sunday or Monday. We did not begrudge them their holiday, but we do think The Daily Mail might have issued occasional bulletins respecting the weather at Thanet, as we consider three days is too long to keep their readers in suspense.

The most popular indoor game this winter seems to be Battledore and Juttlecock.

A woman informed a London magistrate last Tuesday that her husband thrashed her at Easter, Whitsuntide and on August Bank Holiday. Our thoughts were constantly with her during the recent Yuletide festivities.

Readers should not be alarmed if a curious rustling noise is heard next Saturday morning. It will be simply the sound of new leaves being turned over.

In view of the possible increase of their salaries it is not the intention of Members of Parliament to solicit Christmas boxes. Householders, therefore, should be on their guard against men passing themselves off as M.P.s.

Our attention is drawn to the fact that the latest photograph of Mr. LLOYD GEORGE shows him to be smoking a cigar with the band on. We can only say that CROMWELL wouldn't have done it.

Our magistrates appear to be made of poor stuff these days... Continue reading book >>

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