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Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 99, November 15, 1890   By:

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"Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 99, November 15, 1890" provides a delightful and humorous glimpse into the Victorian era. The satirical magazine showcases witty cartoons, clever essays, and sharp commentary on the social and political issues of the time. The diverse content covers a wide range of topics, from current events to everyday life, all with a clever and cheeky tone. The illustrations are charming and add to the overall charm of the publication. While some of the references may be dated, the humor and sharp wit of "Punch" still resonate with readers today. Overall, this volume is a fascinating window into the past and a must-read for fans of satire and Victorian-era culture.

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NOVEMBER 15, 1890.



( By J. MUIR KIRRIE, Author of "A Door on Thumbs," "Eight Bald Fiddlers" "When a Man Sees Double," "My Gentleman Meerschaum," &c.

[With this story came a glossary of Scotch expressions. We have referred to it as we went along, and found everything quite intelligible. As, however, we have no room to publish the glossary, we can only appeal to the indulgence of our readers. The story itself was written in a very clear, legible hand, and was enclosed in a wrapper labelled, "Arcadia Mixture. Strength and Aroma combined. Sold in Six shilling cases. Special terms for Southrons. Liberal allowance for returned empties."]


We were all sitting on the pig sty at T'NOWHEAD'S Farm. A pig sty is not, perhaps, a strictly eligible seat, but there were special reasons, of which you shall hear something later, for sitting on this particular pig sty.

The old sow was within, extended at full length. Occasionally she grunted approval of what was said, but, beyond that, she seemed to show but a faint interest in the proceedings. She had been a witness of similar gatherings for some years, and, to tell the truth, they had begun to bore her, but, on the whole, I am not prepared to deny that her appreciation was an intelligent one... Continue reading book >>

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