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Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 153, July 4, 1917   By:

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"Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 153, July 4, 1917" is a fascinating collection of satirical cartoons, articles, and jokes from the early 20th century. The publication provides a unique glimpse into the social and political issues of the time, offering sharp wit and biting commentary on current events.

The illustrations are detailed and cleverly drawn, capturing the essence of the era and adding an extra layer of humor to the satirical content. The articles are well-written and thought-provoking, offering a mix of lighthearted humor and serious commentary on the world around them.

Overall, "Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 153, July 4, 1917" is an entertaining and enlightening read for anyone interested in history, politics, and satire. It's a valuable resource for gaining insight into the attitudes and concerns of the early 20th century, all while enjoying some laughs along the way.

First Page:

Vol. 153.


Punch 1917.07.04

[Illustration: VOL. CLIII]


The oldest inhabitant sat on a bench in the sun, the day's newspaper spread across his knees, and the newest visitor sat beside him.

"He do be mentioned in despatches, do our Billy, by Sir DOUGLAS HAIG himself. If it hadn't a been for him, where'd the Army been? he says. I knowed him ever since I come to these parts, and that weren't yesterday. He'd come round that there bend a whistling, not sort o' cockahoop, like some does, but just a cheery sort o' 'Here I am again;' and he'd always stop most anywhere, if so be as you held up your hand.

"I've seed ladies with their golf clubs runnin' up from the club house, and he'd just sort of whistle to show as he seed them, and wait for them as perlite as any gentleman. For it do be powerful hot to walk back home with your golf clubs after two rounds; I was a caddy, I was, 'fore I went on the line, so I knows what I'm telling you.

"It didn't make no difference if they was champions or duffers what couldn't carry the burn not if they tried all day. Or if it were an old woman a goin' back from market with all her cabbages and live ducks and eggs and onions it were all just the same to little Billy... Continue reading book >>

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