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Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 101, December 12, 1891   By:

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Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 101, December 12, 1891 is a delightful collection of satirical cartoons, humorous articles, and witty commentary on the social and political issues of the time. The illustrations are beautifully drawn and convey a sharp wit that is still relevant today. The writing is clever and engaging, poking fun at the absurdities of Victorian society while also providing astute observations on the state of the world. Readers will find themselves laughing out loud at the clever wordplay and clever illustrations that make this volume a joy to peruse. Overall, Punch, Volume 101 is a delightful read that will entertain and enlighten readers of all ages.

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VOL. 101.

December 12, 1891.




My heart positively warms to you as I write. At this precise moment I can think of a hundred different things that I ought to be doing. For instance, I have not written to TOM, who is in the wilds of Canada, for months. His last letter ended with a pathetic appeal for an answer.

"Never mind, old chap," he said, "about not having any news. Little details that you may think too insignificant to relate are bound to interest me in this deserted spot. I am sure you occasionally meet I some of our friends of the old days. Tell them I often think of them and all the fun we used to have together. It all seems like a dream to me now. Let me know what any of them are doing. I heard six months ago from a fellow who was touring out here that JACK BUMPUS was married. If it is really our old JACK, congratulate him, and give him my love. I don't know his present address. But, whatever you do, write. A letter from you is like water in the desert."


When I read that letter I became full of the noblest resolutions. Not another day should pass, I vowed, before I answered it. So I prepared a great many sheets of thin note paper, carefully selected a clean nib and sat down at my writing table to begin... Continue reading book >>

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