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Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 105, August 19th 1893   By:

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Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 105, August 19th 1893 is a collection of satirical cartoons and humorous writings from the late 19th century. The publication touches on various social and political issues of the time, providing a unique glimpse into the mindset of Victorian society.

The illustrations are beautifully crafted and the accompanying writings are witty and clever. While some of the content may be dated and unfamiliar to modern readers, there are still plenty of moments that resonate today.

Overall, Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 105, August 19th 1893 is an entertaining and thought-provoking read for those interested in history, satire, and political commentary. It offers a valuable perspective on the events and attitudes of the era, making it a worthwhile addition to any history buff's library.

First Page:


VOLUME 105, August 19TH 1893

edited by Sir Francis Burnand


AIR " Daisy Bell; or, a Bicycle made for Two. "


"The churl in nature up and down" is perennial and ubiquitous. Like the god Vishnu, he has many avatars. Every new development of popular pastime (for instance) developes its own particular species of "Cad." LEECH'S "Galloping Snob" of a quarter of a century ago has been succeeded by that Jehu of the "Bike," the Cycling Cad, to whose endearing manners and customs in the Queen's highway, and elsewhere, the long suffering pedestrian is persuaded a laggard Law will shortly have to find its attention urgently directed. Mr. Punch , who is of the same opinion, adapts Mr. HARRY DACRE'S popular song to what he is convinced will be a popular purpose.

Perturbed Pedestrian sings :

There is a fear within my heart, BLAZY! BLAZY! Planted one day with a demon dart. Planted by BLAZY BILL. Whether he'll kill me, or kill me not, Smash me or only spill, Little I know, but I'd give a lot To be rescued from BLAZY BILL.


BLAZY! BLAZY! Give me a chance, Sir, do! I'm half crazy, All for the fear of you. You haven't a stylish way, Sir, I can't admire that "blazer" (Which you think sweet)... Continue reading book >>

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