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Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 99, December 20, 1890   By:

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In Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 99, December 20, 1890, Various authors showcase a collection of witty and satirical pieces that offer a glimpse into the social and political issues of the time. The illustrations and cartoons add another layer of humor and insight to the publication. Overall, the magazine is a delightful and entertaining read, providing a unique perspective on Victorian society. Whether you're interested in history, politics, or simply enjoy a good laugh, this volume of Punch is sure to entertain and enlighten.

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VOL. 99.

December 20, 1890.



SCENE A Riding school, on a raw chilly afternoon. The gas is lighted, but does not lend much cheerfulness to the interior, which is bare and bleak, and pervaded by a bluish haze. Members of the Class discovered standing about on the tan, waiting for their horses to be brought in. At the further end is an alcove, with a small balcony, in which Mrs. BILBOW KAY, the Mother of one of the Equestrians, is seated with a young female Friend.

Mrs. Bilbow Kay. Oh, ROBERT used to ride very nicely indeed when he was a boy; but he has been out of practice lately, and so, as the Doctor ordered him horse exercise, I thought it would be wiser for him to take a few lessons. Such an excellent change for any one with sedentary pursuits!


The Friend. But isn't riding a sedentary pursuit, too?

Mrs. B. K. ROBERT says he doesn't find it so.

[ Enter the Riding Master.

Riding Master ( saluting with cane ). Evenin', Gentlemen your 'orses will be in directly; 'ope we shall see some ridin' this time. ( Clatter without; enter Stablemen with horses. ) Let me see Mr. BILBOW KAY, Sir, you'd better ride the Shar ; he ain't been out all day, so he'll want some 'andling... Continue reading book >>

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