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Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 150, February 16, 1916   By:

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Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 150, February 16, 1916 is a delightful collection of humorous and satirical cartoons, stories, and articles that provide a fascinating glimpse into the culture and events of early 20th century Britain. The publication showcases the wit and cleverness of the writers and artists of the time, offering a mix of clever commentary on politics, society, and current events, as well as light-hearted jokes and anecdotes.

One of the standout features of this volume is the variety of content included, from political cartoons lampooning prominent figures of the day, to poems and short stories that provide a window into the daily lives and concerns of the British people during this period. The publication's irreverent and often risqué humor may not be to everyone's tastes, but it offers a valuable insight into the social mores and attitudes of the time.

Overall, Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 150, February 16, 1916 is an entertaining and enlightening read for anyone interested in the history of British humor and satire. Its mix of timeless wit and historical context make it a valuable addition to the library of any fan of comedy or history.

First Page:


VOL. 150

FEBRUARY 16, 1916


MANY early nestings are recorded as the result of the mild weather, and at least one occasional visitor ( Polonius bombifer ) has laid eggs in various parts of the country.

Says a learned correspondent of The Observer : "There may be fundamental differences between observed phenomena without affecting the validity of a strict analogy; and after all an analogy is based upon presented similarities. It is sufficient if the sameness should apply to particular attributes or occurrences found by induction to have similar relationships or consequences." It looks, after all, as if some of our Museums wanted closing.

The "popular parts" of the Natural History Museum are to remain open, though it is still felt by the Government that, at a time when the practice of frugality is incumbent upon everybody, the spectacle of stuffed animals may tend to have a demoralising effect upon the young.

From The Evening News :

"Our Daily War time Menu.

Fish Pie. Salt Beef. Turnips or Carrots. Baked Potatoes. Banana Pancake. Coffee."

This will gratify those who believed that our contemporary's diet consisted largely of brimstone... Continue reading book >>

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