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Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 147, August 12, 1914   By:

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"Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 147, August 12, 1914" provides a fascinating look into British society during the early 20th century. The satirical humor and clever illustrations offer insight into the political and social issues of the time, making it a valuable historical resource. The publication's witty commentary and sharp wit make for an enjoyable read, showcasing the talent of the various writers and artists involved. Overall, this volume of Punch is a thought-provoking and entertaining glimpse into the past.

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VOL. 147

AUGUST 12, 1914


A gentleman with a foreign name who was arrested in the neighbourhood of the Tyne shipyards last week with measuring gauges and a map in his possession explained, on being charged, that he was looking for work. It is possible that some hard labour may be found for him.

"Members of Parliament will not suffer," was the comfortable statement of Mr. JOSIAH WEDGWOOD during a speech on the subject of the War. As a matter of fact, owing to the French cooks employed at the House of Commons having returned to their country, the menu at the House will have to consist, until the end of the session, of plain English fare.

The foresight of the British Public in refusing to subscribe the large amount of money asked of them for the Olympic Sports in Berlin is now apparent.

Although still under twenty one years of age, and therefore not yet liable for military service, GEORGES CARPENTIER has gallantly joined the colours as a volunteer. It would be pleasant if he and the Russian HACKENSCHMIDT could shortly meet in Berlin.

A dear old lady writes to say that she was shocked to read that Sir ERNEST SHACKLETON'S ship, on leaving the Thames, was hooted at by sirens, and that such conduct makes her ashamed of her sex... Continue reading book >>

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