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Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 103, July 9, 1892   By:

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"Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 103, July 9, 1892" is a delightful collection of satirical cartoons, humorous anecdotes, and witty commentary that offers a fascinating glimpse into late 19th-century British society. The sharp wit and clever illustrations provide readers with a clever and entertaining look at the politics, social issues, and cultural trends of the time.

The magazine's unique blend of humor and satire offers a fresh perspective on the events and personalities of the day, making it a valuable historical document as well as an enjoyable read. The cartoonists and writers featured in this volume have a keen eye for the absurdities of everyday life, and their work is sure to elicit more than a few chuckles from modern readers.

Overall, "Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 103, July 9, 1892" is a charming and informative collection that will appeal to history buffs, literature lovers, and anyone with a taste for clever humor. Highly recommended for those looking to explore the wit and wisdom of a bygone era.

First Page:


VOL. 103

JULY 9, 1892

[Illustration: (Vol. CIII)]


DEAR EX CHANCELLOR WITH A PAST, I am sorry to have to address you, especially as to you I owe my promotion. But matters are coming to a crisis, and the Fatherland is suffering from your indiscretions. You are making a great mistake you are, indeed.

Now, I ask you, what would you do under the following circumstances? Supposing you were in my position, what would you do if your predecessor held you up to ridicule, spoilt all your favourite diplomatic plans, insulted your employer, and made himself generally disagreeable all round? You must know, my good Prince, that you are sowing dissension in every direction. You are embroiling us with Russia, and running the chance of a war with France. Moreover, you are breaking the very laws you made for the solitary purpose of meeting the case you have raised yourself! So now, with every kindly recollection of the past, tell me why I don't arrest you, why I don't put you into prison, why I don't break your power once and for ever?

Yours truly, VON C .


DEAR CHANCELLOR WITHOUT A FUTURE, I will answer you why you do not arrest me? The simple reason is that you, my dear friend, are not BISMARCK... Continue reading book >>

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