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Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 152, April 11, 1917   By:

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Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 152, April 11, 1917 provides a fascinating glimpse into the social and political issues of the time. The satirical illustrations and witty commentary offer a unique perspective on the events and attitudes of early 20th century England. Readers with an interest in history or humor will appreciate the clever writing and incisive observations found within this volume. Overall, it is a delightful and thought-provoking read that sheds light on the culture of the period.

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VOL. 152.

April 11th, 1917.


The question as to how America's army will assist the Allies has not yet been decided, so that President WILSON will still be glad of suggestions from our halfpenny morning papers.

The military absentee who said he had just dined at a London restaurant, and therefore did not mind going back to the trenches, acted rightly in not disclosing the name of the restaurant.

The report that M. VENEZELOS was in London has been denied by The Daily Mail and the Press Bureau. It is expected that the news will at once be telegraphed to M. VENEZELOS.

There is a proposal to shorten theatrical performances, and several managers of revue, unable to determine which joke to retain, have in desperation resolved to sacrifice both.

Owing to travelling and other difficulties the British Association have decided not to hold their annual meeting this year. Unofficially, the decision is attributed to the growing prejudice against a continuance of the more frivolous forms of entertainment.

A soldier in Salonika has asked a friend in Surrey to send him some flower seeds for a garden in his camp. We hear that Mr. LYNCH, M.P., is convinced that this is merely an inspired attempt to obscure the real object of the campaign... Continue reading book >>

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