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Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 1, October 23, 1841   By:

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"Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 1, October 23, 1841 is a satirical and humorous collection of cartoons, articles, and jokes that provide a fascinating glimpse into 19th-century British society. The witty and clever writing, along with the detailed illustrations, make this publication a delightful read for anyone interested in history, politics, and humor. However, some of the content may be offensive to modern readers due to its outdated language and attitudes. Overall, Punch offers a unique and entertaining look at the culture and politics of its time."

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VOL. 1.



Mr. Horatio Fitzharding Fitzfunk was a tall young man, a thin young man, a pale young man, and, as some of his friends asserted, a decidedly knock kneed young man. Moreover he was a young man belonging to and connected with the highly respectable firm of Messrs. Tims and Swindle, attorneys and bill discounters, of Thavies' inn, Holborn; from the which highly respectable firm Mr. Horatio Fitzharding Fitzfunk received a salary of one pound one shilling per week, in requital for his manifold services. The vocation in which Mr. Horatio Fitzharding Fitzfunk laboured partook peculiarly of the peripatetic; for at all sorts of hours, and through all sorts of streets was Mr. Horatio Fitzharding Fitzfunk daily accustomed to transport his anatomy presenting overdue bills, inquiring after absent acceptors, invisible indorsers, and departed drawers, for his masters, and wearing out, as he Mr. Horatio Fitzharding Fitzfunk eloquently expressed it, "no end of boots for himself." Such was the occupation by which Mr. Horatio Fitzharding Fitzfunk lived; but such was not the peculiar path to fame for which his soul longed. No! "he had seen plays, and longed to blaze upon the stage a star of light... Continue reading book >>

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