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Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 98, April 5, 1890   By:

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Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 98, April 5, 1890 is a collection of satirical and humorous pieces that offer a glimpse into the social and political issues of late 19th-century England. The contributors of this publication tackle a wide range of topics, from the absurdities of everyday life to the follies of politicians and public figures.

The strength of this book lies in its sharp wit and clever commentary on the events of the time. The cartoons and illustrations add an extra layer of humor and bring the satirical content to life. The writing is engaging and entertaining, making it easy to get lost in the world of Punch and its unique blend of comedy and critique.

While some of the references may be dated, many of the themes explored in this collection are still relevant today. The humor may be of a different era, but the underlying messages about society and human nature remain timeless. Overall, Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 98, April 5, 1890 is a delightful and thought-provoking read that will appeal to fans of satire and history alike.

First Page:



APRIL 5, 1890.



" The Prisoner, who was fashionably attired, and of genteel appearance ;" i.e. , An ill got up swell mobsman.

" A powerful looking fellow ;" i.e. , An awful ruffian.

" A rumour has reached us " (in the well nigh impenetrable recesses wherein, as journalists, we habitually conceal ourselves).

" Nothing fresh has transpired ;" i.e. , The local Reporter's invention is at last exhausted.

" The Prisoner seemed fully alive to the very serious position in which he was placed ;" i.e. , He occasionally wiped his mouth on his knuckles.

" The proceedings were kept up until an advanced hour ;" i.e. , The Reporter left early.


" I'm so sorry I've forgotten to bring my Music ;" i.e. , I'm not going to throw away my singing on these people.

" Dear me, this is a surprise to meet you here! I didn't, you see, know you were in Town ;" i.e. , By which I wish her to understand that I hadn't seen that prominent account of her Mid Lent dance ( for which I had received no invitation ) that appeared in last Thursday's Morning Post .

" Never heard it recited better. Wonder you don't go on the Stage ;" i.e. , Then one needn't come and hear you; now one can't keep out of your way... Continue reading book >>

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