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Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 146, June 24, 1914   By:

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"Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 146, June 24, 1914" is a collection of British satirical cartoons, articles, and jokes published in the summer of 1914. The publication offers a glimpse into the political and social landscape of the time, with commentary on current events, culture, and society.

The content is witty, clever, and often thought-provoking, providing readers with a humorous yet critical perspective on the world around them. The illustrations are well-crafted and visually engaging, adding an extra layer of entertainment to the publication.

Overall, "Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 146, June 24, 1914" is a fascinating historical document that sheds light on the attitudes and trends of the early 20th century. It serves as a valuable resource for those interested in British satire and humor, as well as anyone curious about the past cultural climate.

First Page:


VOL 146

JUNE 24, 1914.


The Cambridge University Boat Club has decided to spend £8,000 in improving the Cam. There is talk of making it into a river.

Says a writer in a contemporary, "Don't live in a houseboat during a flood." And yet NOAH always declared that he owed his life to having done so.

The gentlemen who formed M. RIBOT'S Cabinet are objecting to being described as "The One Day Ministry." They were, they assert, in office for some hours more than that.

The attack on M. RIBOT'S Ministry in the matter of the Three Years' Service was led in the Chamber by three quite undistinguished Socialists; and the contest was described succinctly by an unsympathetic onlooker as " Trois ânes v. Trois ans. "

By the way, M. VIVIANI'S Finance Minister is, we see, M. NOULENS. Is he, we wonder, any relation of M. Noulens Voulens?

The KAISER has commanded that the Colonial War Memorial to be erected in Berlin shall take the form of an elephant. Presumably it is to be of Parian marble in order to signify that some of the German colonies are a bit like a white elephant.

A French squadron of eighteen vessels has lately been visiting Portland... Continue reading book >>

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