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Punch, Or The London Charivari, Volume 102, January 30, 1892   By:

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Punch, Or The London Charivari, Volume 102, January 30, 1892 offers a delightful look at the social and cultural events of late 19th century London. The satirical magazine combines sharp wit with clever illustrations to provide a humorous commentary on the issues of the day. The articles and cartoons cover a wide range of topics, from politics and society to sports and entertainment, making it a fascinating snapshot of Victorian life. Readers will appreciate the clever wordplay and clever insights into the world of the time. Overall, Punch Volume 102 is a charming and entertaining read that will appeal to history buffs and fans of satire alike.

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VOL. 102.

January 30, 1892.



[Illustration: "I have worn a cloak and a Tyrolese hat, and attitudinised in the Picture galleries."]

Why I am not a success in literature it is difficult for me to tell; indeed, I would give a good deal to anyone who would explain the reason. The Publishers, and Editors, and Literary Men decline to tell me why they do not want my contributions. I am sure I have done all that I can to succeed. When my Novel, Geoffrey's Cousin , comes back from the Row, I do not lose heart I pack it up, and send it off again to the Square, and so, I may say, it goes the round. The very manuscript attests the trouble I have taken. Parts of it are written in my own hand, more in that of my housemaid, to whom I have dictated passages; a good deal is in the hand of my wife. There are sentences which I have written a dozen times, on the margins, with lines leading up to them in red ink. The story is written on paper of all sorts and sizes, and bits of paper are pasted on, here and there, containing revised versions of incidents and dialogue. The whole packet is now far from clean, and has a business like and travelled air about it, which should command respect. I always accompany it with a polite letter, expressing my willingness to cut it down, or expand it, or change the conclusion... Continue reading book >>

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