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Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 99, July 26, 1890   By:

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"Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 99, July 26, 1890 showcases the clever wit and humor that made it a popular satirical magazine during its time. The different cartoons and articles tackle a variety of social and political issues in a lighthearted and satirical manner. The illustrations are well done and add to the overall entertainment value of the publication. Overall, this volume provides a delightful peek into the past and is a must-read for fans of satire and humor from the late 19th century."

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VOL. 99.

July 26, 1890.




It is not so easy as it might appear to define the Hurlingham Girl with complete accuracy. To say of her that she is one whose spirits are higher than her aspirations, would be true but inadequate. For, at the best, aspirations are etherial things, and those of the Hurlingham Girl, if they ever existed, have been so recklessly puffed into space as to vanish almost entirely from view. In any case they afford a very unsubstantial basis of comparison to the student who seeks to infer from them her general character. Yet it would be wrong to assume that she has dispensed with the etherial on account of her devotion to what is solid. Indeed nothing is more certain about her than the contempt with which she has been willingly taught to look upon all the attainments that are usually dignified with this epithet. History and geography, classics and mathematics, modern languages (her own and those of foreign nations), all these she candidly despises. Let others make their nests upon the shady branches of the tree of learning. For herself she is fain to soar into the empyrean of society, and to gaze with undazzled eyes into the sun of the smart set... Continue reading book >>

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